
2020 - Geological Association of Canada, Howard Street Robinson Medal for excellence in Precambrian geology

2016 - NSERC Discovery Grant and Accelerator Supplement, second professor in Laurentian University's history to receive this award

2010 - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Best Paper, 2009: Turner, E.C., 2009. Mesoproterozoic carbonate systems in the Borden Basin, Nunavut. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 46, p. 915-938. doi:10.1139/E11-066

2001 - PALAIOS - Honourable mention for best paper: Turner, E.C., James, N.P., and Narbonne, G.M., 2000. Taphonomic control on microstructure in early Neoproterozoic reefal stromatolites and thrombolites, Palaios, v. 15, p. 87 - 111.

1999 - Best Canadian PhD Thesis in Sedimentary Geology - Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists

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